2014年12月11日 星期四

An had been fired Oil Painting 『 Lu Kang --- Long Shan Temple 』 一幅燒掉 獻給 佛菩薩的油畫 ~

Lu Kang ~ Long Shan Temple ~ Chang Hwa , Taiwan
Size: 50 F , Oil , Dec. 2014
Michael Yadi 

Note :  this Oil painting had been fired and burn by me in December 10th dedicated to the Holly Buddha and Bodhisattva s of this Buddhist temple in Chang Hwa , Taiwan. 

Creation reason and behind this work story

Impressionism is my favorite ism in art and I choose to study and major. And in the impression... ism Monet is whom I esteem as Spirit Teacher in art learning and  creation progressing track. In year 2004 I had an amazing rare chance to visit O' say museum in Paris. In that time the most impressive Impressionism works was Monet 's  Rouen Church. I was deeply impressed by Monet's Amazing light and shadow , air colors~ God - level impressionism skills. In 2014 in February Monet 's many works came to Taipei Taiwan to exhibit I went to visit the great Monet 's works exhibition. Once again I was deeply touched and inspired by Monet 's grand works. As living and growing up in Eastern Asia I wanna follow Monet's step ~ using the impressionism theory and skills incorporated into 『 Eastern  Universe & Human  Wisdom : Zan  and Ancient Chinese 『 Qi  (炁 ) energy  』  to paint  Human important mind&soul spiritual civilization building in East. But during painting this work something happened unbelievably and incredibly. And  in December 6th ( Saturday) I was hit by a motorcycle when walking along the road incidentally and  terribly. I'd been sent to the hospital for one day and lied on the bed for 3 days. This car accident sharked and terrified me too much. So I discussed with my oil painting art teacher about this  after discussing with my painting teacher I decided to burn and fire this Oil work dedicating to Buddha s  and Bodhisattva s  of  Lu Kang Long Shan Temple. 

工畫師的修煉 ~  介紹一幅 燒掉 化獻給諸佛菩薩 50F 油畫 ~

這幅50F油畫 ~ 是一場戶外寫生創作 ~ 是在畫完   Taichung City Park (<=click in )  ~ 與  后里 金黃色稻田 2014  (<=click in ) ( 2014 年 10~ 12月初  )  ~ 兩幅油畫戶外寫生 之後 , 所進行的一幅 重要大幅創作 ~ 是想要用 祖師 莫內 光和影的理論與技術 ~ 效法 印象派 祖師 莫內  畫 盧昂教堂 之精神~  來畫 東方 重要靈性精神文明 ~ 佛寺建築 ~  結合 近期頓悟 體悟之 東方 自性光  + 炁能 觀能感知    ~ 所想要表達的一幅畫作 ~ 只是 過程發生不可思議 之story ~  在12月初 將這一幅 油畫 燒掉 化獻給 諸佛菩薩 ~ to be continued ~ 自性 無量光明 :)

關於  自性光 炁能 東方印象 的整個思考脈絡、推演進化之完整過程描述 ~ 

請閱讀以下這篇 =>  東方 印象 

the creation process photo record: 

many people chant Sutra and Buddhist incantations early in the morning, central Taiwan

Using Marker pen to finish the sketch and painting structure design

其實 我很喜歡 這一幅戶外寫生油畫 ~  會想要畫這一幅畫~ 是受 莫內 畫盧昂教堂 的啟發~ 我想學習西方繪畫藝術 印象祖師  莫內 運用其創造之 印象 空氣 光和影 繪畫藝術理論與技法  去畫下 ~ 記錄下西方信仰 核心建築 : 教堂的光影 ~ 2004年~ 去法國參訪 奧塞美術館~ 最讓我感到震撼的就是 莫內 的盧昂大教堂 ~ 站在莫內盧昂大教堂畫作前面許久~ 被其光影 筆觸 色彩~ 感到非常大的震撼!!! 

而今年 年初參觀 莫內來台展~ 

再次 受 莫內 真跡畫作 之洗禮~ 基於這樣的背景 ~ 很想用印象技法 ~ 一點一滴 一筆一筆 去記錄下 畫下 這屬於東方 最重要的核心靈性精神 文化信仰 之建築 ~ 之 炁場 能量 光影 空氣 ~ 也因此 而提出 自性光 炁能 東方印象~ 也因為去畫 鹿港 龍山寺 的過程~ 剎那間產生 一個繪畫藝術 之 概念 ~ 

(  ~2014年 12月10日左右 ~ 經過跟我的油畫藝術指導老師 討論之後 ~ 我已經把這一幅油畫 燒掉 化獻給 彰化 鹿港 龍山寺 諸佛菩薩  )


用 印象技法畫下 台中公園 2014年 11月之光和影  ( <= click in)

2014年6月3日 星期二

『 2014 Michael Yadi Painting Art Works Exhibition ... Lightening on the passionate fire for Impressionism 』

~ Invitation Card design for Exhibition ~

2014  Michael Yadi   Painting  Works Exhibition  』

Dear international friends ~ this Letter  (<= click )  is for you   ~ Michael YADI :)

For a long time I am industrial designer in Taiwan.  And my major design industry is ceiling fan design. View my representative fan design work  <=click in ( Uragano got Japan G-Mark award ) !  Many of my fan design works have been selling to United States , European , South East Asia countries ,  Australia etc.,  and of course including  my country - Taiwan.

But there is a dream in my deep heart.  There has been a inner sound often popping out from my soul.  The sound is that ... one day I wanna put down other things and I will  learn the painting skills with a art teacher. One day I must fulfill this dream.

In year 2012 I really stared to step on this journey. I found a professional & great oil painting artist teacher ( my art teacher 's major is in oil portrait painting ) to learn painting theory and skills from very basically beginning step by step.

After 2 and half years day and night 's learning , thinking , practicing and creation finally in 2014 early Summer ( June and July two month ) I will host my 1st time Solo Painting Exhibition in my home town Taya , Taichung , Taiwan.

When I was a primary school student one time I joined a out school landscape painting competition. That time we have to paint the rice fields. Because I didn't know how to paint such difficult scene for me ( a kid ) at that time I stopped and hesitated for more than half hour there. As time went by I had little and little time and I reluctantly to see my accompanied classmate  how he painted. When I saw his work I was surprised by his amazing and so creative skills. I reluctantly to learn after his painting style. But I really felt frustrated and unhappy after that time 's painting competition. After that time 's frustrated painting competition experience I had a negative memory in my heart and I even started to doubt my painting talent.

When I grew up I finally understood that time my classmate was applying Impressionism theory and skills. So I know that time I was defeated by Impressionism painting theory and skills.

In year 2004 at that time I was a industrial designer in a company and my company offered me a great chance to visit Italy and France. When I went to Paris I especially went to visit O' Say museum to see the Grand Impressionism artists ' Master pieces. I was totally inspired and encouraged by their fantastic painting works and amazing skills.

2004 ~ visiting Italy 
journey Murano
2004 ~ Visiting France O'say

In year 2012 I really step on the journey to pursue the dream for painting. And I started to learn painting form very basic to start step by step. ( In University  we just learned rough and simple skills in painting )

2012 Michael Yadi  - Pencil 、Charcoal 、Color Pencil、Pastel to Oil learning process works
2013 Michael Yadi Oil Works ~ Lightening on the painting passion for Impressionism  series 

And my art teacher he is mastered in  Impressionism theory and skills. And he is very famous for his oil portrait painting field.

In year 2003 to 2004 ... 

at that time I had once wrote down the hope for the future in my design sketching book ... ~

      I hope 10 years later, when I am 40 years old - I wish I could hold my first painting exhibition...

Now is the time after a decade - and now in this early summer in year 2014 ~

Monet impression ~ light and shadow photosynthesis will start ...

I hope that through this solo painting exhibition - exhibiting whole painting works of the learning painting journey since year 2012 ... it can be spreading the love seeds for painting and lightening on more people 's passionate flame and inspiring more people loving and starting to paint...

so ..  the exhibition 's theme is  ... 

Lightening on the Passionate fire for Impressionism ...  

 Dancing Qigong with Zi -Shing in the Wheat Field  ...

Invite international friends to visit my exhibition Online !

 2014  Michael Yadi  
~ 1st  Solo Painting Art Works Exhibition  ~

 Michael Yadi Oil Painting Works  -1  
(<= click in)

 Pencil Painting Works
(<= click in)

Oil & Pencil Painting and two Design Works
(<= click in)

Here I want to say " Thank you" to fb friends.
Because of your sharing helping me to speed up the learning process.
Because of  all friends 's help helping me progress too much!
Truly thank all friends!
Here share happiness with you all.
--Michael Yadi--

( This is a local and small exhibition for my home town.  Sorry that there is no  English interpretation under each work.  ^_^  )

The main work in this time solo exhibition is next   ~ 

 Qi-Gong  Dancing in the Wheat fields ( with myself portrait  )   ( <=click in)

Size : 390 CM  x 160 CM  height , Oil ~ completed in Spring ,2014 
created and painted by Michael Yadi , Taya , Taichung , Taiwan

and some main works will be added  in the near future! 

to be continued ~ 

2014年1月12日 星期日

『 Ji Ji Tree Tunnel 南投 集集 綠色隧道 』

Ji Ji   Tree Tunnel ~  南投 集集 綠色隧道  』

Oil  2013 Oct. painting  this ~  finished in 2014 Jan. 12

麥可雅迪   點燃印象之火系列   :  南投集集 綠色隧道 ~

延伸閱讀 ~

Coldplay : Viva La Vida  『  活在當下 』  歌詞 之 意境詮釋 

『 宇宙 與 人體的真相 』